quinta-feira, junho 14, 2007

Escola de Verão Universidade Livre de Berlim: Migration and Multiculturalism

No âmbito da Universidade Internacional de Verão da Universidade Livre de Berlim de 21 de Julho a 18 de Agosto realiza-se um curso dedicado ao tema "Migration and Multiculturalism", integrado no programa de mobilidade de curta duração para estudantes. O presente curso, coordenado por Gerd Hoff, professor de Educação Intercultural e director do Instituto de Educação Intercultural da Universidade Livre de Berlim, abordará questões como migrações, processos de inclusão/exclusão, racismo, anti-semitismo, religião, identidades e integração.
21 de Julho a 18 de Agosto de 2007Universidade Livre de Berlim


"This seminar addresses students interested in intercultural topics with or without prior knowledge. The focus will be on migration, inclusion, exclusion, racism, and anti-Semitism. 17 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the city is proud to be the most multicultural metropolis on the European continent. Strong and vivid memories of national-socialist and communist past combined with a tradition of religious tolerance and a multilingual past can be the starting point of an intensive study of relevant documents, texts and sights.
The course comprises in-class work as well as excursions to relevant places in and around Berlin, such as Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, Germany's oldest Islamic mosque from 1924, Turkish and Arabic quarters in Kreuzberg and Neukölln, as well as other urbanistic landmarks. Starting off with myths and tales of the becoming of Europe as a continent of constant migration, you will then look at Germany's respective history after WW II before focussing on Berlin as a multicultural city, with its motley population. Theories of urbanization in Berlin will be discussed and checked against factual development.
Analyzing key words like religion, identity, culture, minority, assimilation, segregation, integration as well as racism could be a first step to intercultural competence in various fields of expertise, such as education, civil service, judicature, and management."

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