quarta-feira, março 26, 2008

Abusos Sexuais de menores e as TIC

O Projecto cria convida-o a participar na Acção de Sensibilização "Abusos Sexuais de menores e as TIC", com Ricardo Valadas, Inspector da Policia Judiciária de Faro, 2 de Abril 08 - 15h, no Auditório do IPJ de Faro.

segunda-feira, março 10, 2008

Study session of Council of Europe

12th Study Session on the European Convention on Human Rights for persons providing legal assistance to Roma and Traveller Communities
Organised by: Council of Europe - Roma and Travellers Division and the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC)
Dates: 29-30 April 2008
Nominations: 17 March 2008

The study session aims at providing participants with practical examples on how to use the Council of Europe Human Rights Convention in defence pleadings in favour of Roma and Traveller communities:
The session involves:
1. Training and lectures on relevant articles and procedure of the European Convention on Human Rights
2. Practical information on how to submit an application to the European Court of Human Rights
3. A moot trial exercise
The study session is led by judges and lawyers from Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, ERRC lawyers and experienced outside experts.
Participants should be practising lawyers involved in defending Roma and Travellers cases in any of the Council of Europe member states.
The working language will be English and the Council of Europe will cover travelling and subsistence costs.
Motivation letter together with a CV in English should reach the Council of Europe Secretariat before 17 March 2008.
Contact person:
Eleni Tsetsekou
Migration and Roma Department
Council of Europe
F - 67075 Strasbourg cedex
Fax: +33 3 88 41 27 31
E-mail: eleni.tsetsekou@coe.int

sábado, março 01, 2008

"Debater a Educação Inclusiva"

A AAPACDM (no âmbito das comemorações do seu 40º aniversário)e o Projecto cria vão realizar o 2º Workshop subordinado ao tema "Debater a Educação Inclusiva", no dia 12 de Março, pelas 14horas, no Auditório da Bilbioteca de Faro.